Unmatched comprehensiveness worldwide for fine art auctions.

Our econometric department of the art market offers spot-on indicators to bring you clear information and help you in your decisions.


Artprice by publishes its 30th annual report:
The 2024 Art Market Report

The 2024 Art Market Report now available for free on



Artprice by publishes its 29th annual report:
The 2024 Contemporary Art Market Report

The 2024 Contemporary and Ultra-Contemporary Art Market Report available for free on


Artprice by publishes its 28th annual report:
The 2023 Art Market Report

The 2023 Art Market Report now available for free on

Contemporary Art Market Report 2023, showing a +2200% growth since 2000 and confirming that Art is a safe haven in times of major crises.

«The Contemporary Art Market has entered an essential and long-awaited phase of adjustment. The question is no longer whether works by Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst or Christopher Wool are important – they have proved that beyond doubt – but rather how to readjust their prices to those commanded by the Old and Modern grand masters of Art History and to those fetched by the new generations of artists on the global art market. »
thierry Ehrmann, CEO of and Founder of Artprice


1. Impressive Growth of the Contemporary Art Market

The 2023 report from Artprice by Artmarket reveals an extraordinary +2200% growth in the contemporary art market since 2000. This underscores the market's resilience and vigor even during significant global crises. With records constantly being broken, art remains a dependable asset. The United States leads in this segment, although China and the UK are also notable contributors.

2. Focus on Young and Ultra-Contemporary Artists

Artists under 40, particularly those involved in the Ultra-Contemporary segment, have seen remarkable attention and success. However, there has been a 38% decrease in the global turnover for this segment in the first half of 2023 compared to the previous year. NFTs, an emerging medium, constituted 11% of the Ultra-Contemporary art market, indicating the digital art’s rising influence.

3. Art as a Safe Haven During Crises

Contrasting the volatility in the broader economy, the art market continues its robust growth, consistently setting new auction records across various artistic periods and countries. Major auction houses and investors are increasingly recognizing art as a safe haven, a trend underscored by the Artprice100© index outperforming traditional stock market indices. Past crises, including financial downturns and global conflicts, have seen the art market exhibit remarkable resilience.

Key figures, Geography of the Contemporary Art Market, Blue-chip Artists, Soft Power of the Contemporary Art Market, Structure of the Contemporary Art Market, Anayltics, the Top 100 Ultra-Contemporary Artists, the Top 500 Contemporary Artists, and much more!

Read the complete report:
The Contemporary Art Market Report 2023

Artprice by publishes its 26th annual report: The Art Market in 2022

The United States in pole position

The Art Market in 2022 reveals a 16% increase in Western art auction turnover as the United States regained its first place and the world posted a record number of art auction transactions

Thanks to Christie's and Sotheby's remarkably well-conducted sales of exceptional American collections, the year 2022 became a significant milestone in the history of public auctions.

“The art market increasingly reflects the world we live in: a world evermore aware of the value of beauty and rarity, of things that may soon be gone forever and that we must constantly reinvent by creating new forms to enrich our souls.”
thierry Ehrmann, CEO of and Founder of Artprice

2022 was clearly marked by the six works that each fetched over $100 million at Christie’s, setting a historic new record for the auction house and ensuring New York’s position as by far the strongest capital of the ultra high-end market.
But, we have also seen the emergence of new market places all over the globe, from Seoul to Cape Town, via Sydney, Dallas and Tokyo.

This Annual Report also highlights the evermore inclusive nature of the art market thanks to a belated but nevertheless growing recognition of women artists and a better representation of artists from all walks of life and all movements.

  • Key figures for 2022
  • From the most expensive to the most affordable, a breakdown by price segment
  • Analysis from ARAA (Artron Research Academy of Arts, Chine)
  • The principal marketplaces
  • Notable developments in Asia
  • Auction house competition
  • The pillars of the Western market
  • Notable auction records in 2022
  • Trends in Contemporary Art
  • Top 10 countries by Fine Art + NFT auction turnover (and market share) in 2022
Don't miss:
Top 100 Auctions
Top 100 Fine Art and NFT works sold at auction in 2022
Top 500 Artists
Top 500 Artists by Fine Art and NFT Auction Turnover in 2022

Read our 26th Annual Report on the Global Art Market:
The Art Market in 2022

2022 Ultra-Contemporary Art Market Report

Published in time for Frieze London and Paris+ art fairs, Artprice has – for the first time – devoted an entire annual report to the “Ultra-Contemporary Art Market. Available free of charge in French and English, this document analyzes the dazzling auction results for works of Fine Art and art-NFTs created by artists under 40.
These works reflect the new concerns and societal challenges that today's younger generations are grappling with our 2022 Ultra-Contemporary Art Market Report (available free online and in PDF) and to maintain our customary tracking of the Contemporary art market, Artprice is happy to present here a summary of the key figures for the global Contemporary art market as a whole, and for the Ultra-Contemporary segment specifically:

Contemporary Art Market: artists born after 1945

Ultra-Contemporary Art Market: Artists under 40

  • Global auction turnover of $420 million, incl. art NFTs (July 2021 - June 2022)
  • Growth of +28% versus the year-earlier period
  • Over 20 years, auction turnover has been multiplied by 26
  • Ultra-Contemporary art represents 15.5% of the Contemporary Art Market
  • Ultra-Contemporary art represents 2.7% of the total art market (incl. art-NFTs)
  • 9,640 Ultra-Contemporary works sold over the 12 last months
  • The segment's unsold rate was 32%, in line with the rest of the market

Soft Power and the Ultra-Contemporary Art Market in H1 2022

    Key figures for the Ultra-Contemporary Art Market

  • $420 million generated by Ultra-Contemporary artworks (July 2021 – June 2022): a 28%
  • increase compared to the previous year.
  • Ultra-Contemporary Art represents 15.5% of the Contemporary Art Market.
  • 9,640 Ultra-Contemporary works sold over the last 12 months.
  • 2,670 artists under 40 at auction: 5 times more than 20 years ago.
  • The average price of the 5 best results went from $618,000 to $4.9 million.
  • Women hold 8 places in the Top 10 artists under 40.

Read online our Annual Report of the Ultra-Contemporary Art Market:

Global Art Market Report 2021 by :
+60% turnover, paradigm shift with the arrival of NFTs

Two years after the health crisis triggered a profound evolution of the art market that included an opening to NFTs and the Metaverse, Artprice and its exclusive partner Artron are glad to present their free analysis of the 2021 global art market and its underlying changes.

The market data shows a spectacular 60% increase in auction turnover versus 2020, despite the continuation of the pandemic. The migration of the art market into the virtual sphere of the Internet is now a reality on all 5 continents, almost relegating the need for physical auction rooms to history.

“As the 21st century unfolds into a new era of enlightenment, the art world will be reshaped around virtual creation and a virtual (but very real) economy, allowing the emergence of a genuinely boundless space for artists to express themselves. Even in the virtual world of the Metaverse, singularity will remain one of the most prized qualities”… thierry Erhmann, Founder of Artprice & President of

Key market data for 2021

  • Global art auction turnover reached $17.08 billion, a 60% increase versus 2020.
  • Turnover from Fine Art sales in the West rose 68% to a total of $10.9 billion.
  • Revenue from Fine Art sales in China grew 43% to a total of $5.9 billion.
  • The number of lots exchanged in auctions worldwide reached an all-time record of 663,900 up 29%.
  • The average price of the lots sold was $25,730 and the median price was $930.
  • The unsold rate contracted to 31% thanks mainly to online sales.
  • The Contemporary Art index showed a +3% growth.
  • Contemporary Art accounted for 20% of the Art Market, compared to 3% in 2000.
  • TOP 100 auctions
  • TOP 500 artists by auction turnover

Available for free, in three languages, online as well as in PDF version : English – French – Chinese

Read our 23rd Annual Report on the Global Art Market: The Art Market in 2021

And much more to read: China’s lead over the United States; Soft Power; the impact of the health crisis on the operational structure of auction houses and the quality of their transactions; how the UK art market is affected by Brexit; artists breaking new records at ever-younger ages; what the NFT market really represents and how is it re-configuring the auction landscape; the top-performing artists of the year and the most popular; etc...

The Contemporary Art Market report 2021

2021, an exceptional vintage

In fact, the 2020/21 period marks the Contemporary segment's best year in auction history, both in terms of lots sold and in terms of global auction turnover, and it saw the Contemporary art segment move into a new space vis-à-vis the rest of the art market.
Part of this movement was driven by the sensational arrival of NFTs and the staggering prices obtained for works by very young artists, both of which appear to have profoundly transformed the art market's overall landscape. The NFTs very likely mark a substantial acceleration of the Hegelian power struggle that will release artists from their condition of slavery and make them masters of their own markets… and reconfigure the entire global art market in the process.

Artprice is proud to present this latest exclusive report focusing on the latest evolutions in a Contemporary Art Market that is seeing buying and selling habits transformed, the very notion of “collecting” being fundamentally shaken by NFTs, and Art history itself somewhat fitfully evolving towards greater inclusion and diversity… These changes are as radical as they are unavoidable!

According to thierry Ehrmann, CEO of and Founder of Artprice: Sales strategies offering a large number of works at relatively affordable prices and growing demand from multi-generational collectors allowed the Contemporary art segment to resist the negative impacts of the health crisis a lot better than any other segment.

The Contemporary art segment (artists born after 1945) posted a historic auction turnover performance in H1 2021, up 50% versus H1 2019 (and five times the total hammered in H1 2020, impacted by the early days of the covid pandemic).

Asia ... the market pivots towards the East
After an extremely difficult 2020, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan posted exceptional performances in H1 2021) taking their total turnover from sales of Contemporary art for the 2020/21 period to USD 1 billion, i.e. 40% of the segment's global turnover.


    Four artists representing four major trends:
  • Banksy (1971) - Street Art recognized as a major global discipline
  • Beeple (1981) - The viral madness of NFTs
  • Amy Sherald ( 1973) - Woman Power
  • Beeple (1981) - The viral madness of NFTs
  • Amoako Boafo (1984) - The art market is also integrating Black Lives Matter

Key figures

  • Contemporary Art accounted for 23% of the entire art market in 2020/21, vs. 3% in 2000/01
  • Our Contemporary Art Price Index has climbed 400% since 2000
  • 102,000 Contemporary works sold at auction over 12 months generating a total of $2.7 billion, up 117% compared with the 2019/20 period (which shrank 34% vs. 2018/2019)
  • The works were sold through 770 auction houses in 59 different countries
  • The NFT medium already generated nine 7-digit results, i.e. three times more than the photography medium in the same period
  • Hong Kong posted exceptional turnover growth of +277% overtaking London
  • Banksy joined the Top 5 best-selling artists on the entire art market, behind Picasso, Basquiat, Warhol and Monet

This Report represents an essential tool as we head into the major autumn art fairs (notably the Frieze and the Fiac) and is now available at the following address:

Artprice 2020 Art Market Report highlighting a veritable paradigm shift: the pandemic imposed an unprecedented digitization of the market... that saved auction turnovers.

Art Market 2.0

The Art Market has adopted a new economic model and reached a new equilibrium that the most optimistic projections were not expecting to see before 2025. It is now much better equipped to work with contemporary ways of living and collecting, i.e. those of the 21st century.

With this 23rd Annual Report, Artprice and its editorial partner Artron are proud to provide a global analysis of this paradigm through a focus on the following questions:

  • How has the pandemic impacted the art market?
  • How has digital technology affected the market and what will tomorrow's market look like?
  • Why has China's market resisted so well?
  • How have collectors reacted?
  • What types of works are most in-demand?
  • Which artists have reached records despite the crisis?
  • How have social-cultural upheavals – from #MeToo to Black Lives Matter – impacted the Art Market?


China in pole position

Top 10 countries by Fine Art auction turnover (change vs 2019)

Geographical breakdown of Fine Art auction turnover in 2020

Artprice's famous Top-500 ranking of the world's most sought-after artists

Year 2020 in review


In sum, despite a global tragedy that is unique in social and modern economic history, the Art Market has rebounded via digital technology, which it has massively adopted within a record time and which has allowed the market's turnover contraction to be limited to just -21%, which in itself – given the circumstances – is a superb performance.

Read our 23rd Annual Report on the Global Art Market at:

The Artprice 2000-2020 Report :
20 years of Contemporary Art auction history publishes the new Artprice Report on the Contemporary Art Market, the primary growth driver with a +2,100% increase over 20 years

Confident and stable growth, with a record number of transactions worldwide

Artprice is proud to present this exclusive report which traces the evolution of the Contemporary Art Market over 20 years”, announces thierry Ehrmann, President and Founder of and its Artprice department. “The story it tells reflects a multitude of sociological, geopolitical and historical factors, all of which contributed to the rapid rise of Contemporary Art in the global Art Market. A marginal segment until the end of the 1990s, Contemporary Art now accounts for 15% of global Fine Art auction turnover, and is now its primary growth driver, having increased +2,100% over 20 years. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the Art Market switched almost entirely to the Internet. 2021 will no doubt see an extension of this trend”.

In short, the Contemporary Art Market has been through a very long and very profound transformation over twenty years, which Artprice has followed. We have witnessed its exponential rise until 2008 – until Damien Hirst’s insolent sale just after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers at Sotheby’s – and the subsequent ‘arrival’ of the Chinese Art Market with its peak in 2014. Clearly, the health crisis that began in March 2020 has once again broken the market’s rhythm, but there are few markets that resist rhythm breaks quite like the Art Market.

So we seem to have reached a perfect spot for a pause and for serious analysis of the metamorphoses of the Contemporary Art Market – the segment of the Market which harbours the biggest risks and opportunities – before it fully resumes its undoubtedly unexpected activities.

And don't miss, exclusive to this year's report, the TOP 1,000 contemporary artists at auction (2000-2019)

The Contemporay Art Market at Auction:

  • The Contemporary Art rush
  • The market's pillars
  • Painting… above all
  • Diversity
  • A new landscape
  • " No Man's Land "
  • Black (also) matters (in art)
  • Valuation
  • In search of novelty
  • Multiple choice…
  • Digital agility

Read our report, 20 years of Contemporary Art auction history:
The Contemporary Art Market report 2000-2020

Artprice by Artmarket's 2019 Annual Art Market Report

The new report shows continued growth with a all-time record number of transactions based on global confidence in the market, and the French market was particularly strong in 2019

Confident and stable growth, with a record number of transactions worldwide

thierry Ehrmann, Artprice founder and CEO of “The Art Market’s growth is based on confidence”

22nd Annual Report by Artprice by Artmarket

This report contains the famous Artprice ranking of the Top 500 best-selling artists on the global fine art auction market and the Top 100 auction results. It also contains an analysis of the global Art Market from a geographical perspective (by country and by major city), a breakdown by historical periods and by artistic media, a selection of crucial Artprice market indices and 8 key chapters providing an uncompromising analysis of today's global Art Market. No other entity is currently capable of generating such high quality macro- and micro-economic metadata based on proprietary Big Data and AI algorithms.

General overview of 2019

  • The global Art Market generated $13.32 billion, down -14% mainly due to a drop in the number of ultra-high value masterpieces offered (worth > $50 million)
  • The number of lots sold worldwide reached a new historical high of 550,000
  • The average lot price in 2019 reached $24,300
  • The median lot price was $940
  • Approximately 90% of all lots sold fetched less than $17,000
  • The unsold rate remained stable at 38% (slightly more than a third)
  • The overall price index remained stable at +0.48%
  • The Contemporary art price index was up +4.44%
  • Top 500 Contemporary artists by auction turnover

Read our 22nd Annual Report on the Global Art Market at:

2019 Contemporary Art Market Report

The Contemporary art market has grown 1,800% in 19 years and its price index rose 22% in 2018/19.

A veritable market within a market

In commercial terms, the trade in Contemporary artworks is today a veritable market within a market. Our 21st Contemporary Art Market Report focuses on the over 70,000 Contemporary works now bought and sold annually at auctions around the world. This is almost the same number as for the entire Art Market in the early 1990s.

The Contemporary Art segment may be the market’s most volatile segment, but it is not ‘speculative’ in the negative sense of the word. Most Contemporary artists are alive today, so the segment naturally generates the highest returns on investment because the value of the works is itself being created, little by little, as the artists’ productions expands and each artist finds his or her place in Art History.


  • General synopsis & key figures
  • The geo-politics of the Contemporary Art market
  • The best auction houses
  • The top-selling artists
  • African artists breaking through
  • Top 100 Contemporary works sold at auction
  • Top 500 Contemporary artists by auction turnover

Artprice by Art Market's Contemporary Art Market Report – an indispensable tool for participants and attendants at the major autumn art fairs (Frieze and Fiac in particular) – is available free of charge at the following address:

Global Art Market in H1 2019:
Stronger Demand for Contemporary Art

Global Figures:

  1. Turnover in the USA (-20%), China (-12%) and the UK (-25%) has contracted**
  2. The number of lots sold between $10 and 100 million dropped by 41%
  3. Top quality Modern (-21%) and Old Master (-38%) works in short supply
  4. Claude Monet dominated the H1 2019 with 23 works sold for €251 million
  5. Contemporary Art prices posted an increase of +40%
  6. New record for a living artist: Jeff Koons’ Rabbit (1986) fetched $91 million
  7. Average annual return works out at +4.6% on an average holding of 13 years
  8. Tighter supply pushed prices up
  9. The volume des Fine Art* transactions was up very slightly: +0.1%

*Public sales of Fine Art (paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, prints, installations). **In collaboration with Art Market Monitor of Artron (AMMA).

Demand intensifies for Contemporary art as supply contracts and prices rise.

“We are seeing a tightening of the balance between supply and demand in the Art Market,” explains thierry Ehrmann, Artprice’s Founder/CEO.
“The results show persistent demand for museum-quality works, but the secondary market’s supply has tightened somewhat. The Art Market – as we have known it since 1975 – appears to be reaching its structural limits: auction houses are struggling to maintain their operating margins and also to convince collectors to sell their best pieces. They are constantly increasing their buyer fees while simultaneously inventing new ways of reassuring sellers. Guarantees can encourage some sales, but this mechanism doesn’t represent a global solution. It’s time for the Art Market to start a new digital era”.

The recent acquisition of Sotheby’s and’s metamorphosis into (its new company name submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting) are two changes that clearly reflect the Art Market’s entry into the age of the Internet.

  • Key Figures
  • The New “Classics” of Contemporary Art
  • Soft Power: the contraction benefits Hong Kong
  • Art’s financial performance attracts investors
  • .../...

Now available online at:

Artprice’s 2018 Annual Art Market Report: record number of global Fine Art auction transactions since 1945 and greater buyer selectivity

The Art Market enters a new era on the back of excellent growth

Artprice100© “The Wolves of Wall Street at the gates of the Art Market”

The Artprice100® index shows an increase of +380% since 2000
Or an annual average return of +8.6%

Eight artists changes in our Artprice100® index between fiscal year 2017 and 2018 In 2000, only 1 Chinese artist (Zhang Daqian) qualified for inclusion in our Artprice100® index compared with 16 in 2017

An efficient, liquid and transparent Art Market, similar to a financial market.

In a world where many Western countries now post quarterly economic growth rates well below 1%, the Art Market has once again confirmed its efficiency, liquidity and transparency… just like a financial market.

A spectacular increase in transactions with 538,000 works sold in 2018, an absolute record since 1945, despite the relative torpidity of the global economy.

2018’s global auction turnover total was very impressive with an overall figure of $15.48 billion.

A global economic reality in the 21st century, the museum industry® is driving the Art Market.

In 2018, 26.2% of our Top 500 global artists are Chinese, illustrating the power of China vis-à-vis the United States which only account for 17.4% of the Top 500 artists.

    The Art Market in 2018 chapters:
  • Editorials: thierry Ehrmann & WAN Jie
  • General Synopsis
  • From New York to Beijing
  • Building the Chinese Art Market
  • Affordable art
  • Multiple records
  • “Crazy” sales
  • Abstraction… more than just American
  • Artron’s market trend analysis
  • The Best of Chinese Art in 2018
  • Western Old Masters
  • Investing in Art
  • The Top 100 auction results
  • The Top 500 artists

The report includes Artprice’s now famous ranking of the world’s 500 most powerful artists, the Top-100 auction results of the year, information regarding our Artprice100® index now used in trading rooms, analyses by country and by capital, analyses by creative periods and by artistic media... and a selection of Artprice market indices, and even more: Soft Power, Trends, Financial returns, etc...
Read our 21st Annual Report on the Global Art Market at:

The Contemporary Art Market report 2018

Artprice ahead of the Frieze and the FIAC presents its 2018 Contemporary Art Market Report: Plus 1,744% turnover growth in 18 years, an 8.1% annual yield.

  1. Global turnover was up 19% to $1.9 billion
  2. The number of lots sold rose by 17%, with 66,850 auction results
  3. The global unsold rate remained stable at 39%
  4. The Contemporary Art Price Index posted an increase of 18.5%
  5. Since 2000/2001, global turnover has risen 1,744%, from $103 million to $1.9 billion
  6. Since 2000/2001, the lots sold total has multiplied 5.5x from 12,300 to 66,850
  7. Contemporary Art auction results were recorded in 59 countries last year
  8. New York, London, Beijing and Hong Kong accounted for 82% of turnover, on 17% of global lots sold
  9. Greater China (Hong Kong and Taiwan included) generated $480m, i.e. 26% of the global market
  10. Europe had an exceptional year: France +81%, Germany +40%, Italy +31%
  11. The Netherlands, Belgium and Austria each generated over $8 million
  12. South Korea ($8 million) and the Philippines ($5 million) bring Southeast Asia into the global market
  13. Australia ($10 million) and New Zealand ($5 million) are in the top 20 marketplaces
  14. South Africa ($6 million) leads Africa, with Morocco and Nigeria far behind
  15. The Middle East is represented by Turkey ($5 million), Iran ($3 million), UAE ($2 million) and Israel ($1 million)

*Fine Art at Public Auction: painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, prints, installation
**In collaboration with the Art Market Monitor of Artron (AMMA)

A full market is now active on 5 continents.

The chapters explore the hottest topics in the global market and provide answers to questions that any art lover, collector, professional or curator who is active in the Contemporary Art Market might have...

General synopsis. Contemporary art’s market performance

Stimulated by a sensational record of $110.5 million in May 2017, the Contemporary art Market has just ended a third consecutive semester of growth. The principal drivers of this growth are ever-stronger demand for works by the stars of Contemporary art and a proliferation of supply in a particularly favorable economic context.

    Other chapters:
  • Artists’ prices
  • Africa and its diasporas
  • In the news
  • Top 100 Contemporary Artworks
  • Top 500 Contemporary Artists

Now available, the new 2018 Artprice Contemporary Art Market Report provides decision support tools that analyse the evolution, the organization and the latest trends in the Contemporary Art Market:

H1 2018 Global Art Market Report, by

All economic indicators are positive

  1. Global auction turnover on Fine Art* rose 18%, totalling $8.45 billion
  2. Transactions remained stable with 262,000 lots sold, up 2.5% vs. H1 2017
  3. The USA posted a massive 48% increase, with total turnover of $3.3 billion
  4. China**, with $2 billion in turnover, reduced its unsold rate before a decisive H2
  5. The UK is just behind China with auction turnover up 18% to $1.9 billion,
  6. The EU is contributing to growth: France +8%, Germany +17%, Italy +22%
  7. Modern Art, the high-end market’s mainstay, accounted for 46% of total turnover
  8. Modigliani and Picasso both generated results above the $100 million threshold
  9. Zao Wou-Ki was China’s best-performer in H1 2018 with turnover of $155 million
  10. Contemporary Art’s global price index rose 27%, rivalling the S&P 500

*Fine Art Public Auction: painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, prints, installation
**In collaboration with the Art Market Monitor of Artron (AMMA)

A new worldwide stability

Global Fine Art auction turnover amounted to $ 8.45 billion in H1 2018, an increase of 18% versus the year earlier period. The Art Market is therefore pursuing the renewed growth which started in H1 2017 (+9%) and was confirmed in H2 2017 (+32%).

The complete H1 2018 Global Art Market Report, by

  • The USA again leader thanks to Modern Art
  • London capable of competing with New York
  • China reduces its unsold rate before a decisive 2nd half: the soft power battle with the US intensifies.
  • Europe is modestly participating in the growth
  • Top 30 auctioneers by Fine Art turnover in H1 2018
  • Domination of 20th Century Art
  • Investing in Art
  • Top 50 artists by auction turnover,

Now available online at:

The art market enters a new phase

2017 marks a return to worldwide growth for the art market. After two consecutive years of contraction (-10% in 2015 and -23% in 2016), global art auction turnover increased by +20%, equivalent to a spectacular turnaround of +40% (absorption of the contraction plus additional growth). This performance is all the more significant as it was generated by a combined recovery of both the Western and the Chinese markets, with each market generating a new historical auction result as well.

The year 2017 will remain a decisive year for two reasons.
On the one hand, because a new price range (unthinkable just a few months ago) has been reached, with the huge gap between the previous all-time art auction record and the new one (between $180 million and $450 million) bound to be filled incrementally by upcoming sales of museum quality works.
On the other hand, because for the first time since the eclosion of the Chinese market (2008), the major powers of the Art Market have together demonstrated all the signs of firm and durable growth. And lastly because 2017 has proved beyond any doubt the validity of the model developed (and IPR protected) by Artprice which details and forecasts all of the economic, financial and sociological phenomena inherent to “the Museum Industry” ®.

  • Soft Power: China first, the USA just behind
  • An increasingly diversified global market
  • The structure of the Art Market in 2017
  • The Western Market
  • The Chinese Art Market

The “Quality over Quantity” strategy of Chinese Art Auction Market has paid off

Ranking of the Top 500 artists by auction turnover
European artists accounted for nearly half of the world’s Top 500 artists last year, ahead of Asia (162) and North America (82). The ranking also contained 12 Latin American artists, 6 Africans and 6 from Oceania. Although still modestly represented in the Top 500, these latter regions are indeed becoming increasingly important on the global Art Market as a whole.

Much more to discover in:
The complete Art Market in 2017 (Annual Report by available online:

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